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Understanding the times – Yahweh’s 7000 years plan

Understanding the times – Yahweh’s 7000 years plan

Biblical Prophecy is a mystery – even to most people who read the bible. This subject is tremendously important, yet it is also tremendously confusing. Why ? Because Bible prophecy is locked. And the vast majority of people do not have the one vital key that unlocks the prophecy. A key is used in scripture as a symbol of the power of revealing, or interpreting, secret things; also for power in general. Now, no interpretation of prophecy is worth anything…

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Why 2020 ?

Why 2020 ?

The Bible presents a succession of types and parables which dramatic the power of the Truth. Unless we seek for those types and parables, we will not discover them, for they will pass by before our eyes unnoticed. However, once we begin to understand the Bible’s parabolic language, we will see a fuller and deeper meaning. When God created the earth and placed man on it, He did it with a very definite plan. It was His intention to have…

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1 Thessalonians 4:16,17

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17

Prophecy is God’s gift to His servants of His foreknowledge of future events but it is just secretly concealed in the details. Proverb 25:2 has been understood as referring to the revelation of God’s will in his word, where there are many things concealed in parables, allegories, metaphors, dark sayings, types, and similitudes. And it is becoming the majesty of God so to publish his will, that it must be seriously studied to be understood, in order that the truth may be more…

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The interpretation of Daniel 12

The interpretation of Daniel 12

The phrase, “time of the end”, is unique to the book of Daniel. Daniel’s “Time of the End” describes a specific end time that takes place a relatively short time before the end. The time of the end is the period of the opening and unsealing of the words of the books; so that it may speak intelligibly to the “wise”. The opening and unsealing is effected by the events of the time begin an unmistakable fulfilment of what is…

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Yahweh’s Appointed Times – Feasts

Yahweh’s Appointed Times – Feasts

There are two important Hebrew words appear in same word “Feast”. First one is chag, which means a “festival,” is derived from the Hebrew root word chagag, which means “to move in a circle, to march in a sacred procession, to celebrate, dance, to hold a solemn feast or holiday.” Second one is mo’ed means “an appointment, a fixed time or season, an appointed time, a set time or exact time,  an assembly or congregation (as convened for a definite purpose).” By understanding the…

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APPEAL TO THE CHRISTADELPHIAN COMMUNITY The Bible says: “But of that day and hour no one knows…” Based on this verse, the Christadelphian community believes and teaches that Jesus will return, but no one knows when He will come. The Christadelphian community also believes that Jesus himself doesn’t know! There are many prophecies in the Bible that have occurred when they were predicted, however, there are many more prophecies yet to be fulfilled. A most remarkable feature of prophetic interest…

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Did you know that 7 days of creation on Genesis Chapter 1 reflects God’s plan of 6,000 years for man to rule the earth and a final 1,000 year Sabbath in which Christ Himself and the Saints will rule? In fact, God’s 7,000 year master plan is a doctrine which was widely accepted by the first century believers. One of the least-known facts of history is that a knowledge of the millennium and of God’s 7000-year plan prevailed over ALL the ancient world for HUNDREDS of years after the death…

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Understanding of Allegories, Parables and Types

Understanding of Allegories, Parables and Types

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” – Proverbs 25:2 This has been understood as referring to the revelation of God’s will in his word, where there are many things concealed in parables, allegories, metaphors, similitudes, many more. And it is becoming the majesty of God so to publish his will, that it must be seriously studied to be understood, in order that the truth may…

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Why 10 years of Mid-Heaven Proclamation ?

Why 10 years of Mid-Heaven Proclamation ?

(written by Bro. John Thomas in Eureka Vol. 5) Under the Mosaic Law, which is “the pattern of the things in the heavens,” the Pentecostian Feast of Firstfruits of the third month was succeeded in the first day of the seventh month by the Memorial of the blowing of trumpets, a Sabbath of holy convocation—inviting to a holy rest and assembly. Between this Memorial and the offering of “an offering made by fire unto Yahweh,” was an interval of ten…

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