The interpretation of Daniel 12

The phrase, “time of the end”, is unique to the book of Daniel. Daniel’s “Time of the End” describes a specific end time that takes place a relatively short time before the end. The time of the end is the period of the opening and unsealing of the words of the books; so that it may speak intelligibly to the “wise”. The opening and unsealing is effected by the events of the time begin an unmistakable fulfilment of what is written, so that every one of the “wise” cannot fail to understand and requires the qualification of “wisdom” to elucidate the hidden meaning.
The prophet Daniel was told that his visions would be “shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel. 12:4). Because this increase in knowledge relates specifically to an understanding of Daniel’s prophecies, the “time of the end” evidently refers to the proper time in the God’s plan, the symbolic prophecies of the book of Daniel will be increasingly understood while the predicted events are taking place.
A statement in Daniel 12:4 seems to indicate that it is in our own times more particularly that the prophetic visions are to be understood, both as regards their events and times. There is a reason why the words may be understood at the time of the end. In “the words” are prophetically delineated historical events extending over centuries, and at the time of the end, we have the facts of accomplished history as the infallible interpreters of these words. By the aid of those facts, we are enabled to comprehend the prophetic scheme, both as regards its events and times, and so to gauge our position as to determine where we stand in relation to the wonderful consummation of the end itself. The prophetic periods of Daniel are fixed, is evident from a well-known case in which his prediction of time has been historically verified.
The final section of Daniel chapter 11:40-45 predicts dramatic events during the “time of the end”.
In Daniel 11:40, at that time, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) controlled most of the Middle East including Jerusalem and Palestine. But in 1917, Britain “pushed at the Ottoman Empire (Turkey)” from Egypt, driving her from Jerusalem and Palestine. As a result, the Jews were invited to return to Palestine.
As we shall show, the partial fulfillment of Daniel 11:40 resulted in a remarkable step towards the consummation of the purpose of God which clearly shows that we are in “the time of the end.”
This does not mean that what is described in Daniel 12:1 happened immediately after what the events in Daniel 11:40.
I believe Daniel chapter 12 is a sequel to the first part of Daniel chapter 11:40 – “At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him;“.
John Thomas mentioned that in Elpis Israel ,”the eleventh chapter of Daniel is therefore fulfilled as far as the first colon (or semicolon) of the verse forty. The things which remain to be accomplished in the time of the end are briefly outlined in the remaining part of the chapter…the next prophecy is an attack upon him (Turkey) by the King of the North, as it is written.”
I believe that the theme of Daniel 12 speak of the re-emergence of Israel as a nation has always been seen as key to the events leading up to the second return of Christ. The return of the Jews to Israel in 1945 and the events that preceded that have often been used by Christadelphians as proof that validates their interpretations of scripture.
John Thomas wrote in Elpis Israel, “There is, then, a partial and primary restoration of Jews before the manifestation, which is to serve as the nucleus, or basis, of future operations in the restoration of the rest of the tribes after he has appeared in the kingdom.”

The return of Israel to their ancient land and the establishment of the state of Israel is the first step in a sequence of events which will culminate to prepare for the unparalleled time of trouble begins at Christ returns, the resurrection, Armageddon, and to establish the millennial kingdom on earth.
Daniel Chapter 12 provide us with an interesting days counts.
In fact that the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days will end at differing dates and each of unique importance. And also the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days on Daniel 12 is not in chronological order.
Let’s find out what happened during those 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 Days of Daniel’s Prophecy?
Daniel 12:7– “Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.”
A time, times, and half a time is 1260 years.
Rotherham renders this: “When the dispersion of a part of the holy people is brought to an end”.
When the dispersions of the Jews shall be ended, then the most remarkable events contained in this prophecy shall be fulfilled. The restoration of the Jewish nation is foretold by the prophets, as one of those signal events to be brought to pass in the latter days!
The Historical Significance of A.D. 685 and 1945
1945 AD – 1260 = 685 AD.
What happened in the year 685 and 1945?
685 AD – After Muslims took control of Jerusalem in AD 637, Islamic leaders commissioned the building of the Dome of the Rock in AD 685.

The building which was erected in his honor and for his worship on the site of the ancient Temple is also an abomination to Yahweh. This abomination which is the Dome of the Rock causes desolation for the worshippers of the true Elohim. To this very day, 1337 some odd years since the beginning of its construction, none of the true worshippers of Yahweh are allowed to walk in the abominable Dome, which is built on the site of the ancient temple.
The Jewish population suffered great hardship during the tumultuous years of different Gentiles’ rule, even the city of Jerusalem.
Before at the end of the 1260 years, the Jewish people historically defined themselves as the Jewish Diaspora, a group of people living in exile. Jews emigrated at various time periods throughout the centuries and went to many different countries.
In 1945, that year was the end of World War 2. Jews were no more scattered. Jews began to slowly emigrate back to Palestine (Israel) until it became an independent state in 1948. The resurrection of national Israel would introduce the conclusion of all the “wonders” (Dan. 12:6) and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bro. John Thomas commented: “It was at this time that the abomination of desolation established itself as the normal condition of things in the Holy Land. Subsequent humiliation gripped the “holy people” until a ray of hope was permitted when the cause of Jewry was revived 1260 years later.”
Daniel 12:11 – “And from the time that the daily is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
Bro. John Thomas translates this verse: “And from AFTER the time the daily shall be removed even for to set up an abomination making desolate….”
It means that the daily was removed to make way for the over-spreading of abominations of desolation.
The “daily sacrifice” refers to the Mosaic constitution of daily offerings which was taken away in the dissolution of the nation by Roman armies in A.D. 70.
The Daily sacrifice was taken away to make room for this series of abominations of desolation. This was the first of the series of abominations of desolation that overspread the Holy Land.
This is the whole length of time during which the abomination was to prevail upon the land of Israel without beginning to dry up; in other words, when the 1290 ended, the drying up process would commence. In Daniel it is testified that the desolation of the land was to continue until a consummation indicated by the pouring out of that determined upon the desolator.
The Historical Significance of A.D. 627 and 1917
627 AD + 1290 = 1917 AD.
What happened in the year of 627?
According to the Jewish Virtual Library, In 627, Emperor Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire breaks his promise of protection to Jews, massacring any he found and forbidding them from entering Jerusalem. Hundreds of Jews were killed and thousands exiled to Egypt, ending the Jewish towns in the Galilee and Judea. Heraclius’ decree remained in effect until the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 636 A.D.
It marked the beginning of a long diaspora for Jewish people. Until 1917, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) stood as an insurmountable barrier to any substantial return of the Jews. The Turkish Government was inexorably opposed to it. Thus the Turks had to be driven from the land before the purpose of God could be effected.
What happened in the year of 1917?
Bible students interpreted the drying up of the river Euphrates as the shrinking of the then powerful Turkish (Ottoman) Empire. They anticipated that this would be followed by the return of the Jews to the land of Palestine and eventually the return of the Lord Jesus to the earth. The drying up of the river was accomplished through the First World War. Britain drove the Turks out of Palestine in 1917 and this paved the way for the emergence in the Middle East of new nations, some with ancient Biblical names such as Lebanon and Syria; but most of all it allowed the setting up of the nation of Israel. In 1917 the British Foreign Secretary announced what was known as the Balfour Declaration which committed the British Government to support the idea of a national home for the Jews in Palestine.

This desolator of the Holy Land was the Ottoman Empire, a “time of the end” representative of the long prevailing abomination. The Ottoman Empire was the last desolating power, which was to prevail uninterruptedly till the end of 1290 years then the Ottoman Empire was driven out.
The first part of Daniel 11:40 had a partial fulfilment in that Britain, as the king of the south, pushed Ottoman Empire (Turkey) in 1917, driving her off the land of Palestine as push aside temporarily in order that the “way of the Kings of the east might be prepared.”
Britain drove the Turks out of Palestine in 1917 and this paved the way for the emergence in the Middle East of new nations, some with ancient Biblical names such as Lebanon and Syria; but most of all it allowed the setting up of the nation of Israel.
This event commenced a domino effect of circumstances which led finally to the revival of Israel, the freeing of Jerusalem, and events preparatory to the return of Christ.
Daniel 12:12 – Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.
The end of 1335 is reserved to designate the apocalyptic events of the resurrection of the saints at the coming of Christ. The 1335 indicates an epoch that will consummate in the great blessing of verse 13, when Daniel and all the faithful saints will be gathered together to receive their destined inheritance.
The Historical Significance of A.D. 685 and 2020
2020 AD – 1335 = 685 AD.
What was so special about 685 AD?
Muslims took control of Jerusalem in AD 637, then Islamic leaders commissioned the building of the Dome of the Rock in 685 A.D. The building which was erected in his honor and for his worship on the site of the ancient Temple is also an abomination to Yahweh. This abomination which is the Dome of the Rock causes desolation for the worshippers of the true Elohim. After the Abomination, we must wait 1,335 more years for the blessing. We will arrive in the Year 2020 by adding 1335 years!
What will happen in 2020?
The drying up of Turkish power in 1917 is represented as preparing the “way” of these kings who are out of a “sun’s rising.” Who are these kings? In the original text, the word “east” signifies “the sun’s rising,” so that the term is better translated as “kings who are out of a sun’s rising.”
The kings mentioned, who reign with the Lord Jesus, are his followers, raised from the dead or gathered to his presence on his return, and given immortal life. “The Kings,” then, are the sanctified ones, “the called and chosen and faithful,” of whom Christ Jesus is the Imperial Chief, and therefore styled, “KING of kings”.
They begin their career under this sixth vial, and possessed themselves of all its thrones (Revelation 20:4; 11:15; Daniel 7:9,18,27). The consummation of their “way” will be, that “the kingdoms of the world become our Lord’s and his Saints; and he shall reign king for the Aions of the Aions”.
They are therefore “the kings out of a sun’s rising,” for their manifestation will take place at the return of the Lord Jesus, the “sun of righteousness.” They, therefore, constitute the future “kings of the east” is clearly expressed in Revelation 16:12, that “the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”
The Harvest of the Earth starts in 2020 to make it a reality. It is written in Revelation 14:15 – “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”. Yahweh’s message is clear: send Christ back to the earth and begin reaping the harvest of the earth. (Please read the article “1 Thessalonians 4:16,17” to expound the Scriptures concerning the chronological order of events when Christ returned!)
At the end of these 1335 years, Daniel is told that “blessed” is the one will arise to take possession of his inheritance. This term “Blessed” evidently refers to Abraham, Daniel, and all Faithful Saints are one of the many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth (who) will awake…. to everlasting life (Daniel 12:2) so they can receive the promise of eternal inheritance of the land of Israel. Then Daniel is told that he would “rest” (a reference to death) for now until the end of these days when he is to “arise (come back to life)”and inherit those things which were to be his.”
John Thomas said in Exposition of Daniel – “Blessed he that is waiting and shall labor for the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” This is the text in which the 1335 year are noted; and the only place in the Bible where they are to be found. To look and labor for them is to watch for the end of them, and to strive to attain what is to be manifested at their expiration. When They terminate, the resurrection of the dead predicted in Daniel 12:2, will come to pass; for the revelator said to the prophet, “Go you away till the end: for you shall lie down and arise to your inheritance at the end of the days”. The days last mentioned in the context are the 1335, and must therefore be the days referred to.”
John Thomas said in Eureka – “”The time of the Dead” is at “the Time of the End” — at the expiration of Daniel’s 1335 days. This appears from the words, “Blessed he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days. But go thou till the end; and thou shalt rest, and arise to thine inheritance at the end of the days” (xii. 12,13). To wait and come to these days, is to wait during their course, and to come to their end. Daniel has been thus waiting, but has not yet come to their end. During the time he has been waiting he has been resting, or “sleeping in the dust of the earth” (verse 2). So long as he is there he knows nothing, and can inherit nothing; for “the dead know not anything”, and can therefore be neither happy nor miserable. He expected nothing until he should “awake for a living one of the Olahm.” He was told that this should be at the end of the 1335 days, in the words, “thou shalt arise to thine inheritance at the end of the days.” These can only be the 1335 days whose end terminates Daniel’s rest in the dust of the earth…….”The time of the dead,” then, is at the epoch which terminates the 1335 years…….The beginning of “the Time of the End” is “the time of the dead.” The work of this time will take time; but how much time it will consume the testimony does not reveal. The Lord Jesus Christ who is “the resurrection and the life,” as well as “the truth and the way,” descends to Mount Sinai while the present Sixth Vial is continuing to pour out. “Behold!” says he, “I come as a thief.” He comes before “the kings of the earth and of the whole habitable” are gathered into the region termed “in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” How long before is not revealed; but between his thief-like advent and the Armageddon-gathering is “the time of the dead” and when his work is finished with his dead ones, “He gathers the kings together” — he operates upon a situation already created by the Frog Power; and brings on the catastrophe, which that power is not capable of accomplishing………But, how many months or years the work of setting in order his own Melchizedek household will consume I know not. It will take time. The Lord is never in a hurry. He is always deliberate and dignified. If He pleased, He could flash everything into order; and all his enemies into destruction. But He has not acted in this way in the past; and it is clear from the word that He does not intend to act flashing in the future. There is no question about His ability so to do. He can do what He wills; and He has revealed His will, and from that revelation, it is evident that He will be deliberate in all his movements.”
John Thomas said in Eureka on the Harvest of the Earth – “The Ancient of Days must descend from heaven before he can be “clothed with a cloud,” or ride upon a cloud, of Saints, now sleeping in the dust. Hence, the scene beheld represents events subsequent to the descent of Christ Jesus, and the resurrection and immortalization of the 144,000; and before they obtain possession of the Holy City. This is the epoch of the vision; and synchronizes with the concluding period of the Sixth Vial, and coeval with the gathering of the kings of the earth and their armies “into the place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Revelation 16:16).
In fact, the first 10 years of the 50 Jubilee year period is called the Harvest of the Earth (Revelation 14).

This is an undeniable Biblical proof that Jesus had returned on September 19, 2020 which was the Feast of Trumpets on that day. Jesus has already returned secretly, silently, and unheralded as in a manner of a thief. Jesus steals into the world to resume his works. His first work is a work of Judgement on his own house of God first (1 Peter 4:17).

Are you still finding it hard to believe that Christ returned in 2020? Please read the article “Why 2020” to expound the Scriptures concerning Christ had already returned in the year of 2020 and why! And also please read the article “1 Thessalonians 4:16,17” to expound the Scriptures concerning the chronological order of events when Christ returned!
Today, Russia is bent upon securing her position as a dominant power, prior to seeking world domination. The outpouring of “that determined” upon the Desolator of the Holy Land, will not have reached its consummation, until Gog falls upon the mountains of Israel in the war of ARMAGEDDON; which is the great climacteric of the sixth vial. The Russia and their confederated armies, the last desolating abomination of the series that overspread the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, will terminate in the helpless annihilation by Jesus Christ and the Saints with an unprecedented outpouring of divine power. Jesus and the Saints will “break in pieces the oppressor”, and destroy the war-mongers, abolish the governments of men, and then establish his glorious kingdom to rule over the world from the city of Jerusalem, bringing all mankind into subjection to his wise and beneficial rule.

Yahweh’s plan of salvation has been unfolding precisely according to His timetable. Many prophecies of old have been fulfilled; most notably, the first advent of the Messiah. Other specific milestones have been declared through the words of the prophets. Time periods revealed principally unto Daniel and the Apostle John have proven to be an accurate basis for predicting interim dates of the rise and fall of world empires. The prediction of end-dates and particularly the time of our Lord’s return have invigorated the searching minds of prophecy students for many years.
The prophecy of Daniel Chapter 12 is a marvelous depiction of one aspect of the final day of the 6,000 years. It’s based on a sound study of the Scriptures and fits well into the prophetic timeline.
We are undisputedly on the verge of closing out the 6th millennial day on Earth! It is an inescapable, unavoidable fact! We, the living saints, will be gone very soon as this year!
I have provided extensive Biblical evidence at my website supporting the fact to recognize the timetable of God’s 7000 years plan, how soon the 6th millennial day will come to end, when Jesus will return to Earth, and many more from the amazing prophetic parables behind the Bible stories. See the article called “Why 2020?” and “1 Thessalonians 4:16,17”.
John Thomas said, “The wise, then, of the time of the end are those who believe “the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ;” and have therefore been “immersed into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” He who understands these things has laid the foundation of intelligence in the things which Daniel heard but understood not.”
Robert Roberts said, “”A set time” exists in the mind of the Deity for the consummation of His purpose – a conclusion which must commend itself to every mind. “None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:10). This would imply not only that uprightness is necessary, but also that the matter is not communicated in such a form as to be apprehended on the surface of it, but requires the qualification of “wisdom” to elucidate the hidden meaning.”